Social, Community and History Aims
Housing Aims
Transport Aims
Environment Aims
Economic Aims
The 'Actions' set out what the Community would like to change itself, these can be viewed here:
Social, Community and History Actions
Housing Actions
Transport Actions
Environment Actions
Economic Actions
6.01 Siting of Businesses
Proposals to develop small light industrial, small office and retail sites close to the A550 / railway station will be supported provided they comply with the requirements of other objectives in this plan.
6.02 The objective is to promote the best sites for business in the ward in respect of road services, sustainable transport for employees and the impact on the surroundings.
6.03 There should only be light industrial or starter offices appropriate to the size of the village/ward. No larger industrial developments or commercial developments will be allowed, particularly any developments which would bring increased noise and disturbance to neighbours.
6.04 Change of use: Agricultural & Disused Buildings
Proposals for the regeneration of derelict sites or alternative use of agricultural buildings within the ward will be supported providing they comply with the requirements of other policies in this plan and where the proposals would not have a detrimental impact on the, rural setting, residential amenity of neighbours and traffic environment.
6.05 The objective is to encourage and promote new industry/businesses to establish themselves here and provide job opportunities.
6.06 Non Residential, including Retail, Development within the Settlement Boundary
Proposals for non-residential development on sites within the Housing Development Boundary (HDB) will be supported only where the proposals would not have a detrimental impact on the residential amenity of neighbours and traffic environment. Amenity includes issues of noise, traffic congestion, smells and vibration.
6.07 The objective is to ensure that non-residential development within the HDB does not have a detrimental eect on neighbouring properties and provides useful amenities to the village, for the benefit of the community.
6.08 While many villagers are keen for additional choice and capacity in food retail within the village of Pen-y-ordd, we must be mindful of the need to protect village size and community life and for businesses to be sustainable and appropriate for the village/ward resident numbers. New retail premises must fit into the feel of the village and not cause a reduction in the quality of life of existing and future residents.
6.09 Provision of Health Services
Proposals for the re-introduction of a healthcare facility in the village would be welcomed where the design is of a scale and design fitting of a village environment, provide adequate parking provision and a robust traffic plan. They must not have a detrimental impact on the residential amenity of neighbours including issues of noise, traffic congestion, smells and vibration.
6.10 Providing good access to heathcare is a fundamental need and increased with the reduction in public transport provision and the increasing age of the village population. Having an appropriate village facility would increase the quality of life for many residents and increase the sustainability of the village.