30th December 2024



Dear Councillor

Ordinary Council Meeting – Wednesday 8th January 2025, 6.30pm

You are hereby summoned to attend the Ordinary Meeting of Penyffordd Community Council to be held on Wednesday 8th January 2025 at 6.30pm.

The physical venue will be the Committee Room, Penyffordd War Memorial Institute (access via the side door near the garage) and should you wish to attend virtually via Zoom, please email or telephone the Clerk to request the meeting ID before 5pm on the day of the meeting (Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021).

In accordance with the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021, the summons to attend a meeting will now be sent to members electronically. If a member wants to receive the summons in writing rather than electronically, you must give notice in writing to myself and specify the postal address to which the summons should be sent.

The agendas and papers for the meeting are enclosed.

Yours faithfully

Mrs Sarah Hughes CiLCA

Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer








1.      To Receive Apologies for Absence

2.      To receive any Declarations of Interest – Members Code of Conduct

3.      To receive and approve the Ordinary Minutes of the 11th December 2024

4.      To review and report on any Matters Arising from previous meetings

5.      To receive any Public Questions/Correspondence

6.      Bank Balances and Accounts for Payment

To report balances of all bank accounts and to review and authorise monthly accounts for payment.

7.      Quarterly Budget Review

a)    To review the budget, summary and bank reconciliation which is to be verified by a member of Council other than the Chairman.

b)    To undertake a routine check of supplier payments.

8.      Projects for Consideration within the 2025/26 Budget

a)    Penyffordd Bowling Club Car Park - To review and consider the proposal from Cllr Ibbotson and information from the Bowling Club to provide funds to resurface part of the club car park, improving accessibility and safety for mobility impaired and young members and guests.

b)    Youth Club – To review and consider the proposal from Cllr Priddin to provide assistance for funding the development of the centre with regards to extension, internal modifications and maintenance.

9.      Community Council Draft Estimates for 2025/26

To consider and approve the Council’s draft estimate for 2025/26 and for the Chair and Clerk to sign the 2025/26 precept request letter to Flintshire County Council.

10.  Planning Applications

a)    To report and consider planning applications received from Flintshire County Council.  The Council will also consider any additional applications that may be received between the issue of agenda and the meeting:

b)    To report on the Notifications of Planning Decisions made by Flintshire County Council:

11.  Councillor Vacancy

To report on the vacancy due to the resignation of Oliver Thompson and whether an election has been requested.  If no election has been requested the Notice of Co-option will be advertised for a period of 14 days.

12.  Council Representative – Penyffordd War Memorial Committee

Due to the resignation of Oliver Thompson, to consider nominating a replacement.

13.  Ysgol Penyffordd – Parking

To receive the response from FCC Planning regarding the planning condition on school parking.

14.  Community Facilities

Changing Rooms

a)    To receive, review and approve the Draft Hiring’s and Letting Policy which has been scrutinised by the Management Committee.

b)    To appoint a member(s) to be the main council contact.

15.  Play Areas

a)    Dobshill Play Area -To report that Hanson have kindly agreed to provide the aggregate for Dobshill play area pathway, and Jones Brothers are happy with this arrangement.  Update on commencement of works.

b)    Millstone Pump Track – to receive an update on commencement of works.

16.  Flintshire LDP 2030

To consider following up response to Elected Members and Senior Council Officers over the Development plan for 2030.

17.  Transport

Top consider additional pressure on Transport for Wales, the Minister and FCC to support the return of a direct bus service from the village to Chester.

18.  To acknowledge and note correspondence received.

19.  Members Items/Future Agenda Items

The public and press are cordially invited to be present.  Should you wish to view this meeting on Zoom, please email the Clerk to request the meeting ID clerk@penyfforddcouncil.org or call 01244 537032 before 5pm on the day of the meeting.