5th March2025



Dear Councillor

Ordinary Council Meeting – Wednesday 12th March 2025, 6.30pm

You are hereby summoned to attend the Ordinary Meeting of Penyffordd Community Council to be held on Wednesday 12th March2025 at 6.30pm.

The physical venue will be the Committee Room, Penyffordd War Memorial Institute (access via the side door near the garage) and should you wish to attend virtually via Zoom, please email or telephone the Clerk to request the meeting ID before 5pm on the day of the meeting (Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021).

In accordance with the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021, the summons to attend a meeting will now be sent to members electronically. If a member wants to receive the summons in writing rather than electronically, you must give notice in writing to myself and specify the postal address to which the summons should be sent.

The agendas and papers for the meeting are enclosed.

Yours faithfully

Mrs Sarah Hughes CiLCA

Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer








1.      To Receive the Signed Declaration of Acceptance of Office – Mrs Tracey Bithell

2.      To Receive Apologies for Absence

3.      To receive any Declarations of Interest – Members Code of Conduct

4.      To receive and approve the Ordinary Minutes of the 12th February 2025

5.      To review and report on any Matters Arising from previous meetings

6.      To receive any Public Questions/Correspondence

a)       An email regarding The Groves – pitch maintenance.

7.      Bank Balances and Accounts for Payment

To report balances of all bank accounts and to review and authorise monthly accounts for payment.

8.      Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales

To review the IRPW 2025/26 Annual Report and decide by formal resolution of the council, which of the Panel’s determinations to adopt for 2025/26.

9.      Planning Applications

a)    To report and consider planning applications received from Flintshire County Council.  The Council will also consider any additional applications that may be received between the issue of agenda and the meeting:

i.     FUL/000075/25.  Erection of stables and muck out facility and riding fields to an already equestrian field for livery use.  Land to rear of Cross Farm, Chester Road, Penymynydd.

b)    To report on the Notifications of Planning Decisions made by Flintshire County Council:

i.     Ref: COU/000188/23.  Change of use from holiday let to dwelling, previously approved as a dwelling under approval reference 058136, and approved as a holiday let under reference 064352. The application seeks to revert the property to a dwelling as originally approved.  Pheasant Cottage, Lower Mountain Road, Penyffordd.  Approved

ii.     ADV/000043/25.  Application for Consent to Display a community noticeboard (metal) for council information to be displayed.  O/S 1, Alyn Drive, Penyffordd.  Approved

10.  Community Facilities

a)    Changing Rooms – to provide an update on the Hiring and Lettings Agreement from Penyffordd FC.

b)    West View Nature Area:

i.     To consider WoodsWork entering the nature area into the 2025 Wales in Bloom.

ii.     To report on required tree works.

11.  Millennium Clock and Garden

To review and consider the quotes received for the required works to the paving and brickwork.

12.  Millstone Allotments

To consider the proposal from Cllr Sloan for the community council to take on the Millstone allotment/community garden land lease.

13.  Flintshire Local Development Plan – Consultation on Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance

To consider the draft response prepared by Cllrs Ibbotson, Ransome, Wakelam and Williams, in relation to the draft Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) on the below policy areas.  Closing date 21 March 2025.

• Space Around Dwellings            • Retention of Local Facilities      • Affordable Housing

14.  Democracy and Boundary Commission Cymru (DBCC) – Electoral Review Programme 2025

To review and consider the Democracy and Boundary Commission Cymru Policy and Practice document in preparation for the 2025 Electoral Review Programme.  Closing date for responses is 24 March 2025.

15.  Christmas Lighting and CCTV Contractors

a)    To review and consider the contract quotes for the Christmas Lighting Contract.

b)    To consider and approve the CCTV Quote/Tender document for issue.

16.  Play Areas

To receive an update/ progress report on the Dobshill and Millstone play area projects.

17.  Welsh Language

To review and consider the information and costings on whether the council should provide information in both the English and Welsh language? And to consider adopting a Welsh Language Scheme.

18.  War Memorial Institute

a)    To report on the correspondence from the WMI with regard to future usage and charges for the council.

b)    To receive and consider the proposal from Cllr Sloan to consider the suitability of the venue for council meetings.

c)    To report that Cllr Nethercott has resigned as Council Representative on the WMI Committee and to nominate a replacement.

19.  Carnival

To consider whether the council will host a stall at the WMI carnival on 21st June and to also consider if WoodsWork will accompany the council or whether a separate stall will be provided.

20.  Flintshire LDP 2030

To provide any feedback received from Councillors contacted.

21.  Transport

To provide feedback from those contacted about a resumption of the direct service from the village to Chester.

22.  Youth Club

To consider the quotes received for the youth club drainage works and to appoint a contractor on the proviso full permission for the works is granted from NRW and FCC.

23.  Older People – Free Computer Training

To review and consider the information from Sandra Donoghue FCC - Ageing Well Engagement Officer.

24.  To acknowledge and note correspondence received

25.  Members Items/Future Agenda Items

26.  Staffing Matters (Confidential Closed Session)


The public and press are cordially invited to be present.  Should you wish to view this meeting on Zoom, please email the Clerk to request the meeting ID clerk@penyfforddcouncil.org or call 01244 537032 before 5pm on the day of the meeting.