5th February 2025
Dear Councillor
Ordinary Council Meeting – Wednesday 12th February 2025, 6.30pm
You are hereby summoned to attend the Ordinary Meeting of Penyffordd Community Council to be held on Wednesday 12th February 2025 at 6.30pm.
The physical venue will be the Committee Room, Penyffordd War Memorial Institute (access via the side door near the garage) and should you wish to attend virtually via Zoom, please email or telephone the Clerk to request the meeting ID before 5pm on the day of the meeting (Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021).
In accordance with the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021, the summons to attend a meeting will now be sent to members electronically. If a member wants to receive the summons in writing rather than electronically, you must give notice in writing to myself and specify the postal address to which the summons should be sent.
The agendas and papers for the meeting are enclosed.
Yours faithfully
Mrs Sarah Hughes CiLCA
Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer
1. To Receive Apologies for Absence
2. To receive any Declarations of Interest – Members Code of Conduct
3. To receive and approve the Ordinary Minutes of the 8th January 2025
4. To review and report on any Matters Arising from previous meetings
5. To receive any Public Questions/Correspondence
a) Email regarding the skate ramps at Millstone Play Area.
6. Bank Balances and Accounts for Payment
To report balances of all bank accounts and to review and authorise monthly accounts for payment.
7. Planning Applications
a) To report and consider planning applications received from Flintshire County Council. The Council will also consider any additional applications that may be received between the issue of agenda and the meeting:
i. ADV/000043/25. Application for Consent to Display a community noticeboard (metal) for council information to be displayed. O/S 1, Alyn Drive, Penyffordd.
ii. FUL/000042/25. Construction of open sided carport attached to side of house. 73, Ffordd Glynne, Penymynydd.
iii. FUL/000011/25. Single storey rear extension. Bryn Alyn, Wrexham Road, Penyffordd.
iv. FUL/001070/24 . Extension to storage building, new banner advertisements, fencing and hedgerow boundary treatment. Henffordd Farm, Old Hope Road, Penymynydd.
v. An appeal has been made to the Planning & Enforcement Decisions Wales (PEDW) in respect of the following. The appeal follows the REFUSAL of planning permission by FCC and is to be decided on the basis of an exchange of informal hearing and a site visit by an Inspector. COU/001034/23. Appeal Reference Number: CAS-03869-G1C5Q2. Proposal: Change of use to a mixed use of stables, keeping of horses, a 2-pitch family traveller caravan site and 1 day room with associated gravel surface and access (part retrospective). Location Land adj. to Hawthorne Cottage, Little Mountain Road, Buckley, Flintshire, CH7 3BY. Appeal Start Date: 31-Jan-2025
vi. FUL/000076/25. Retrospective two-storey rear extension. Hilton House, Chester Road, Penymynydd.
b) To report on the Notifications of Planning Decisions made by Flintshire County Council:
i. FUL/001043/24. Extensions to the porch, lounge and kitchen with conversion of the attached barn to living accommodation. Daisy Bank Cottage, Old Hope Road, Penymynydd. Withdrawn
8. Councillor Vacancy
Following applications and interviews, to review, consider and co-opt to fill the vacancy.
9. Community Facilities
a) Changing Rooms - to consider the quotes for the installation of storage benches and spectators toilet.
b) Penyffordd Youth Club Building and Community Asset Transfer – To verify and discuss as appropriate, details of the Youth club building and CAT transfer as per information circulated by Cllr D Williams.
10. Bowling Club Car Park Project
To review and consider the three quotes received and to appoint a contractor.
11. Strategic Response to local flooding
To consider the proposal from Cllr Ibbotson for the council to agree a desired outcome to pursue in relation to flooding.
12. Play Areas
a) To receive an update/ progress report on the Dobshill and Millstone play area projects.
b) To receive the latest Zurich Inspection of the skate ramps at the Millstone Play Area (also relates to the public question).
13. Youth Representative Report
Miss Boleyn to provide a report to members.
14. Telephone Kiosk/Defib Lighting
To receive and consider the quote to have lighting installed in the telephone kiosk.
15. Millennium Clock and Garden
To receive an update on obtaining quotes for the required clock and garden works.
16. Flintshire Local Development Plan – Consultation on Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance
To consider and review the draft Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) relating to the below policy areas. Consultation closing date 21 March 2025.
• Space Around Dwellings • Retention of Local Facilities • Affordable Housing
17. Flintshire LDP 2030
To receive and approve the drafted letter to be sent to FCC elected members.
18. Transport
To receive and approve the draft letter regarding the direct service from the village to Chester.
19. Highway Safety
Safety concerns on pedestrian access to Penyffordd Station.
20. Buckingham Palace Garden Parties 7th and 20th May 2025
To consider the OVW correspondence, to nominate a Councillor to be entered into the OVW draw.
21. OVW – Area Committee Survey
To consider the response to the survey prepared by Cllrs Ransome, Walker and the Clerk.
22. To acknowledge and note correspondence received.
23. Members Items/Future Agenda Items
The public and press are cordially invited to be present. Should you wish to view this meeting on Zoom, please email the Clerk to request the meeting ID clerk@penyfforddcouncil.org or call 01244 537032 before 5pm on the day of the meeting.